Scientists based at a new laboratory at the University of Bath are hoping to unlock how babies interact with the world around them.
The new Bath Babylab will study issues such as how screen time impacts attention and cognitive development.
It will also look at the factors that impact how long babies sleep for and how they learn language.
The lab, which opened on Saturday, is now looking for babies and young children to take part in its research.
Other areas of research will look at whether there are factors early in development which are associated with conditions like autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Read more on the BBC Website Here
Kate Hubble, Early Years Improvement Officer
The Bristol Standard Team
Beth Osborne, Foundation Years Consultant Birth to Three
Kate Irvine, Interim Foundation Years Consultant
Ali Carrington, Interim Foundation Years Consultant
Cate Peel, Interim Foundation Years Consultant
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